Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What's In The Name?

NASA recently held an online vote to determine the name of the new international space station room. While NASA thought it had chosen the preferred names (i.e. Serenity, Legacy, Earthrise, and Venture), it made the mistake of allowing write in candidates. As a result, it now appears that the name of the new space station room will be “Colbert” named after Stephen Colbert of Comedy Central’s “The Colbert Report.” Simply put, this is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!


It got me thinking… what would I like to have my name associated with if I had them money or a large public following? More importantly, what type of things would man in general like to have named? Hmmm… I now present you with my top five list of things all men would like to have their name associated with.

5) Football Stadium – I don’t think this requires much explanation. This is simply too awesome to put into words anyway.

4) A Holiday – This would be pretty awesome. Think about it… a Holiday we’re you can drink all day, watch basketball, and women scantily dressed. Now I know this sounds a lot like St. Patrick’s Day, but I think we need two days like this.

3) A Bathroom – Don’t know why, but nobody at the University donates money for a bathroom. They donate for conference rooms and business schools, but nothing for bathrooms. Why not fork over $50,000 and get your name associated with the relief room. I guess I just don’t understand.

2) A Charity – I think it would be kind of cool to have your name associated with something positive for society. I would call mine “Greg Head” and take donations from single women from all over the nation. I you know anyone that would like to “give,” please let me know.

1) A Sexual Position – ‘Nough said.


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