Monday, December 28, 2009

ELE is growing

I am so excited to know that our ELE family is about to grow by one.
With the announcement that Trace is going to be a father, I propose he also be the recipient of a couple of t-shirts announcing this glorious news:

Congratulations Trace!

--Ronnie (aka The Prez)--

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Simple Equation Equals Results That "You Gotta Love"



= 35 years of Gentle Pushes, Mild Arcs.................................... and a few mispronunciations

Definitely gonna miss "lovin it"

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Red and White Game: A Treat for Obsessed Fans

As you all know, I am an avid College Football fan and I love the U. Recently, I attended the Red and White game to see how the new talent compares to the talent the U lost from last years’ team. My opinion/findings are as follows:

-Jordan Wynn is a stud. The kid has a great arm and threw some impressive fade routes. Extremely accurate with his passes. Whit claims to be considering him for the starting role as well. I can see why even though he's not the best runner.

-Corbin Louks looked nervous at first, but settled down as the game went on. He threw the ball across the middle very well.

-Terrance Cain has the best pocket presence out of all of them. He didn't really hesitate to turn and run the ball when pressure was coming and he stepped up into the pocket nicely. A little inaccurate with his passes though.

-Aiona Key can catch the ball and will be awesome.

-Clifford, not sure who this is, might have the best hands of anyone on the team. He was catch everything, including some shoestring balls.

-Shaky Smitheson is a big, strong slot receiver that has some moves. He'll be playing a role similar to Casteel's.

-Shakerin can run the ball. Power, speed, shiftiness, you name it he's got it. He easily looked the best of all the backs that played. I love Asiata, but they have to figure out a way to get this kid in the game.

-Stevenson Sylvester, Joe Dale, Robert Stevenson, Mike Wright, Matt Asiata, and David Reed didn't play. I'm there were more, but these were the guy's I noticed.

Bottom line: They'll be very good next year. You can't take too much out of the Spring Game because it's more for fans than anything and not a real game (i.e. the defense stayed in one coverage the entire game), but if teams give some of these players an inch they'll take it to the end zone. I know it’s a little early, but I’m ready for college football again!!!!


Saturday, April 18, 2009

In Carlos Boozer's "Defense"

We are all tired of Booz not playing any defense. I became curious about it. I'm certain at some point in his career he has played some defense. So I googled "Carlos Boozer Defense." I found this picture. Some photographer deserves a pat on the back for getting this shot and clearing an innocent man's name.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What's In The Name?

NASA recently held an online vote to determine the name of the new international space station room. While NASA thought it had chosen the preferred names (i.e. Serenity, Legacy, Earthrise, and Venture), it made the mistake of allowing write in candidates. As a result, it now appears that the name of the new space station room will be “Colbert” named after Stephen Colbert of Comedy Central’s “The Colbert Report.” Simply put, this is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!


It got me thinking… what would I like to have my name associated with if I had them money or a large public following? More importantly, what type of things would man in general like to have named? Hmmm… I now present you with my top five list of things all men would like to have their name associated with.

5) Football Stadium – I don’t think this requires much explanation. This is simply too awesome to put into words anyway.

4) A Holiday – This would be pretty awesome. Think about it… a Holiday we’re you can drink all day, watch basketball, and women scantily dressed. Now I know this sounds a lot like St. Patrick’s Day, but I think we need two days like this.

3) A Bathroom – Don’t know why, but nobody at the University donates money for a bathroom. They donate for conference rooms and business schools, but nothing for bathrooms. Why not fork over $50,000 and get your name associated with the relief room. I guess I just don’t understand.

2) A Charity – I think it would be kind of cool to have your name associated with something positive for society. I would call mine “Greg Head” and take donations from single women from all over the nation. I you know anyone that would like to “give,” please let me know.

1) A Sexual Position – ‘Nough said.


Friday, March 20, 2009

Beer Pong - Beginner's Luck?

The post regarding LHM makes me think about how lucky the state of Utah was when LHM and the Utah Jazz took a chance on a young kid from Louisiana.

I would like to relate this gamble from the 80s to something that happened last week.
Trace put his reputation on the line by making me his #1 Draft Pick in beer pong. He took a chance on me, and for that I will be forever grateful.
Many similarities can be drawn between these two decisions, and while I cannot guarantee I'll be as dapper as Karl was, I can't help but wonder when our next match will occur... I do plan on wearing this shirt:

The Prez

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Just a Regular Guy From West High

Anyone who is anyone knows that Larry H. Miller (LHM) was anything but a regular guy from West High School; more like an extraordinary philanthropist, car dealer, entrepreneur and the Utah Jazz owner.

All of us have something to learn from the incredible story that is LHM. A poor high school student and college dropout, LHM started his career as a stock boy in an auto parts store and through his work ethic and business savvy, became quite possibly the single most influential business person in Utah history.

Taking calculated risks were one of LHM’s most prominent attributes. To help us better understand his persuasiveness and business acumen, here is a piece from the Deseret News tribute to LHM: He enjoyed putting together creative deals to finance his businesses, and, as his purchase of the Jazz demonstrated, he was masterful at it. He lamented later in his life that his business transactions weren't nearly as fun anymore because his reputation and bank account made them so easy and straightforward. When trying to put together 11th-hour financing for his first purchase of half of the Jazz franchise, he crashed a meeting of bankers and told them, "Fellas, I don't want to run your meeting, but I'm going to tell you something. I got my first telephone in my name when I was 12 years old because I was on the phone all the time. My parents had to sign for it, but I had to pay the bill. Since that time, I've been paying bills, and I've never missed a payment on anything in my life. If you can find a delinquent payment, turn me down. If you can't, make this loan."

A simple blog post could in no way do justice the lasting impact of LHM – with that in mind, I thought a photo montage would tribute different moments in LHM’s life. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show….

High Life

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Y'all Don't Know What It's Like . . .

Ben Folds said it best in his song "Rockin' The Suburbs":

Y'all don't know what it's like
Being male, middle-class and white

I am feeling the need to revisit an article written by Rick Reilly, which was in the February 4th, 2002 issue of Sports Illustrated. The article is called 'White Like Me' ...

Look how white I am. Am I lame or what? Can't jump. Can't dance. Can't run. Can't dress. Can't hang.
It's O.K. I know I'm a pathetic White Guy. I'm at peace with it. In fact I laugh about it all the time. I have to. Black athletes today love to make fun of us White Guys.
Last week, for instance, boxer Mike Tyson had a little fun with white reporter Mark Malinowski at Tyson's press conference-cage match with Lennox Lewis. Grabbing his crotch and using his best prison vocabulary, Tyson challenged Malinowski to fight and then accused him of being "scared like a little white p----" because he wouldn't. In American trash talk today that's three put-downs in a row. Little. White. And p----.
Now if a white heavyweight grabbed his crotch and called a black reporter a "little black p----," he'd be spending the rest of his days playing Parcheesi with Al Campanis and Dan Issel. Nobody, though, demanded that Tyson apologize to Malinowski, least of all Malinowski.
Not to worry, it's cool! Last season Toronto Raptors star Vince Carter came onto the court to discover he was being covered by the Minnesota Timberwolves' Wally Szczerbiak. Carter turned to the Minnesota bench with a smile and said, according to Szczerbiak, "You better get this white guy off me, or I'm going to score 40." (Carter denies referring to Szczerbiak's race.)
Was Carter fined? Suspended? Ordered to spend six weeks in a white-sensitivity workshop? Nah. We're White Guys. What are we going to do, sue?
Sometimes we're not even White Guys. We're White Boys. In his book Shaq Talks Back, Shaquille O'Neal wrote, "If you get dunked on by a white boy, you got to come home to your friends and hear it."
Hilarious! Of course it wouldn't be nearly as funny if, say, David Stern wrote in his book, "If you get outnegotiated by a black boy, you got to go to the country club and hear it." He'd be taped naked to the hood of Jesse Jackson's car. Still, was Shaq rocked by scandal? Did principals pull the book out of school libraries? Nah. Because all us crackers know it's true! If we dunk on you, you really suck!
Besides, anytime you can slip in the phrase white boy these days, it's just damn funny. Now, if you called Jerry Rice a "black boy" or Ichiro Suzuki a "yellow boy" or Notah Begay a "red boy," you'd be begging spare change at a bus station inside a week. But it's fine. We're the last unprotected race, so bash away!
Some White Guys aren't sure it's all that amusing, like Denver Nuggets forward Raef LaFrentz. "When people call me 'white boy,' I take it as an insult," he says. "It's a negative racial term, just like the n word." However, Dallas Mavericks guard Steve Nash says he finds it funny when black guys tell him, "You're pretty good for a white boy."
"Besides," Nash says, "it's pretty accurate, right?"
See, we White Guys know we suck. We hear it all the time. When we hoop, we've got White Man's Disease. When we dance, we've got White Man's Overbite. When we jam, we're just Average White Band. We know if Larry Bird were black, he'd be, as Isiah Thomas said, "just another guy." We know we're supposed to giggle when Charles Barkley says, "See? This is what I hate about white people." He's right! We're all exactly the same!
When ESPN debuted its terrific new talk show, Pardon the Interruption, the preview ads promised it "wasn't pretty." To prove it, host Tony Kornheiser said, "We're old. We're fat. We're bald. And we're white." Then his partner Michael Wilbon, who is black, said, "And one of us is blind." Poor Tony. He's got the big four strikes against him right there. Old. Fat. Bald. And white. Hey, the truth hurts.
We White Guys have faced it. We're wack at most everything. Basically the only thing we dominate now is stuff black people don't have the right clothes to try -- lumberjack contests and luge. But we shred documents like nobody's damn business!
We're not mad. We've come to grips with it. Even when we do something good -- like the three white firemen who raised the U.S. flag at ground zero -- we understand you have to change two of the guys' race to nonwhite when you want to build the statue. Who wants three White Guys hanging around forever?
What, you thought White Guys had feelings?

Thoughts from the ELE Forum?
--The Prez--

ELE Attire

In response to the opening video, we must invest in the following:

Buy it here:
--The Prez--

Friday, February 27, 2009

And The World Shall Wait For Me Theory

I would like to take a moment to express my frustration with people (I'll take as many moments to do so as I please, this is just one of them). I'm sick of waiting in line at the grocery store while the lady in front of me writes a damn check! Reason 1. Checks are a thing of the past, get over it lady. Debit/Credit cards are loved by many for many reasons, mainly convenience. How does this concept not register with you? 2. If you MUST annoy everyone by writing a check, why must you wait until the full cart of groceries is scanned and totalled? You certainly must know that a total is coming, and that you are in need of payment for said total, why not have everything but the total written in while you are waiting, or does staring at the girl scanning the items amuse you that much. It's great watching you look surprised after the girl tells you the total, like you really thought all those items were going to miraculously sum up to zero. You then fumble through your purse to find your checkbook and then take your sweet ass time filling in the lines. Really, I really enjoy that.
I feel that this is the same lady that stands in front of me, contemplating for minutes which soda she'll decide to fill her cup up with, leaving no room for me to even fill my ice up, so as to at least somewhat appease me while I wait for she who has all the time in the world. She chose to come to the local maverik/7-11/wherever to get a drink, she certainly must have SOME idea of what it is she wanted..............guess not.
True, I am rarely in so much of a hurry that these people actually cause damage to my plans, but it's just the damn annoyance of it. I've decided it's just yet another reason that each person thinks he or she is the most important damn thing in the world.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Dawn of a New Beginning

Yes ladies this is a blog. On this blog we will communicate the message that ELE members were born to communicate. This blog should be on display for all; however, only ELE members will have access to add posts to the blog. Any topic of interest should be discussed, but we need to keep it somewhat clean to adhere to blogger rules. Couple other ground rules... (these are proposed rules of course)

1) Each ELE member will need to post at least once per month to maintain their ELE membership.

2) Strongly effeminate topics are discouraged and frowned upon. This includes, but is not limited to, discussions about the attire at award shows, what's happening on "The Hills", or anything that has to do with Brittany Spears.

3) Anything that is not interesting or somewhat humorous is strictly forbidden. I would say this includes Mag. Kidding.

4) Each member shall sign their post with a handle of some sort. Mine is Nitro.

I think that's about it. What does each member think about this? Post your thoughts in the comment section after this blog.

Again, this is the dawn of a new era. Embrace it people.

Peace and God Bless,

Monday, February 23, 2009

Testing 123

Alright ladies.... its time for the ELE blog. For now, let's just start off with a video. Tomorrow I'll kick off the blog formally.

Sincerely, Nitro