Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Red and White Game: A Treat for Obsessed Fans

As you all know, I am an avid College Football fan and I love the U. Recently, I attended the Red and White game to see how the new talent compares to the talent the U lost from last years’ team. My opinion/findings are as follows:

-Jordan Wynn is a stud. The kid has a great arm and threw some impressive fade routes. Extremely accurate with his passes. Whit claims to be considering him for the starting role as well. I can see why even though he's not the best runner.

-Corbin Louks looked nervous at first, but settled down as the game went on. He threw the ball across the middle very well.

-Terrance Cain has the best pocket presence out of all of them. He didn't really hesitate to turn and run the ball when pressure was coming and he stepped up into the pocket nicely. A little inaccurate with his passes though.

-Aiona Key can catch the ball and will be awesome.

-Clifford, not sure who this is, might have the best hands of anyone on the team. He was catch everything, including some shoestring balls.

-Shaky Smitheson is a big, strong slot receiver that has some moves. He'll be playing a role similar to Casteel's.

-Shakerin can run the ball. Power, speed, shiftiness, you name it he's got it. He easily looked the best of all the backs that played. I love Asiata, but they have to figure out a way to get this kid in the game.

-Stevenson Sylvester, Joe Dale, Robert Stevenson, Mike Wright, Matt Asiata, and David Reed didn't play. I'm there were more, but these were the guy's I noticed.

Bottom line: They'll be very good next year. You can't take too much out of the Spring Game because it's more for fans than anything and not a real game (i.e. the defense stayed in one coverage the entire game), but if teams give some of these players an inch they'll take it to the end zone. I know it’s a little early, but I’m ready for college football again!!!!


Saturday, April 18, 2009

In Carlos Boozer's "Defense"

We are all tired of Booz not playing any defense. I became curious about it. I'm certain at some point in his career he has played some defense. So I googled "Carlos Boozer Defense." I found this picture. Some photographer deserves a pat on the back for getting this shot and clearing an innocent man's name.