Friday, February 27, 2009

And The World Shall Wait For Me Theory

I would like to take a moment to express my frustration with people (I'll take as many moments to do so as I please, this is just one of them). I'm sick of waiting in line at the grocery store while the lady in front of me writes a damn check! Reason 1. Checks are a thing of the past, get over it lady. Debit/Credit cards are loved by many for many reasons, mainly convenience. How does this concept not register with you? 2. If you MUST annoy everyone by writing a check, why must you wait until the full cart of groceries is scanned and totalled? You certainly must know that a total is coming, and that you are in need of payment for said total, why not have everything but the total written in while you are waiting, or does staring at the girl scanning the items amuse you that much. It's great watching you look surprised after the girl tells you the total, like you really thought all those items were going to miraculously sum up to zero. You then fumble through your purse to find your checkbook and then take your sweet ass time filling in the lines. Really, I really enjoy that.
I feel that this is the same lady that stands in front of me, contemplating for minutes which soda she'll decide to fill her cup up with, leaving no room for me to even fill my ice up, so as to at least somewhat appease me while I wait for she who has all the time in the world. She chose to come to the local maverik/7-11/wherever to get a drink, she certainly must have SOME idea of what it is she wanted..............guess not.
True, I am rarely in so much of a hurry that these people actually cause damage to my plans, but it's just the damn annoyance of it. I've decided it's just yet another reason that each person thinks he or she is the most important damn thing in the world.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Dawn of a New Beginning

Yes ladies this is a blog. On this blog we will communicate the message that ELE members were born to communicate. This blog should be on display for all; however, only ELE members will have access to add posts to the blog. Any topic of interest should be discussed, but we need to keep it somewhat clean to adhere to blogger rules. Couple other ground rules... (these are proposed rules of course)

1) Each ELE member will need to post at least once per month to maintain their ELE membership.

2) Strongly effeminate topics are discouraged and frowned upon. This includes, but is not limited to, discussions about the attire at award shows, what's happening on "The Hills", or anything that has to do with Brittany Spears.

3) Anything that is not interesting or somewhat humorous is strictly forbidden. I would say this includes Mag. Kidding.

4) Each member shall sign their post with a handle of some sort. Mine is Nitro.

I think that's about it. What does each member think about this? Post your thoughts in the comment section after this blog.

Again, this is the dawn of a new era. Embrace it people.

Peace and God Bless,

Monday, February 23, 2009

Testing 123

Alright ladies.... its time for the ELE blog. For now, let's just start off with a video. Tomorrow I'll kick off the blog formally.

Sincerely, Nitro